Activating the AFS Initialization Script

Now that you have confirmed that the AFS initialization script works correctly, take the action necessary to have it run automatically at each reboot. Proceed to the instructions for your system type:

Activating the Script on Linux Systems

  1. Issue the chkconfig command to activate the openafs-client and openafs-server configuration variables. Based on the instruction in the AFS initialization file that begins with the string #chkconfig, the command automatically creates the symbolic links that incorporate the script into the Linux startup and shutdown sequence.

       # /sbin/chkconfig  --add openafs-client
       # /sbin/chkconfig  --add openafs-server
  2. (Optional) There are now copies of the AFS initialization file in both the /usr/vice/etc and /etc/rc.d/init.d directories, and copies of the afsd options file in both the /usr/vice/etc and /etc/sysconfig directories. If you want to avoid potential confusion by guaranteeing that the two copies of each file are always the same, create a link between them. You can always retrieve the original script or options file from the AFS CD-ROM if necessary.

       # cd /usr/vice/etc
       # rm afs.rc afs.conf
       # ln -s  /etc/rc.d/init.d/afs  afs.rc
       # ln -s  /etc/sysconfig/afs  afs.conf
  3. Proceed to Configuring the Top Levels of the AFS Filespace.

Activating the Script on Solaris Systems

  1. Change to the /etc/init.d directory and issue the ln -s command to create symbolic links that incorporate the AFS initialization script into the Solaris startup and shutdown sequence.

       # cd /etc/init.d
       # ln -s ../init.d/afs /etc/rc3.d/S99afs
       # ln -s ../init.d/afs /etc/rc0.d/K66afs
  2. (Optional) There are now copies of the AFS initialization file in both the /usr/vice/etc and /etc/init.d directories. If you want to avoid potential confusion by guaranteeing that they are always the same, create a link between them. You can always retrieve the original script from the AFS CD-ROM if necessary.

       # cd /usr/vice/etc
       # rm afs.rc
       # ln -s  /etc/init.d/afs  afs.rc