Authentication Events

AFS_KAA_ChPswdSECode AFSName HostID name instanceKAA_ChangePassword - Change password.
AFS_KAA_AuthA SECode AFSName HostID name instanceKAA_Authenticate - Authenticate to the cell.
AFS_KAA_AuthOSECode AFSName HostID name instanceKAA_Authenticate_old - Old style authentication.
AFS_KAT_GetTktA SECode AFSName HostID name instanceKAT_GetTicket - An attempt was made to get an AFS ticket for some principal listed in the Authentication Database.
AFS_KAT_GetTktOSECode AFSName HostID name instanceKAT_GetTicket_old - An attempt was made to get an AFS ticket for some principal listed in the Authentication Database.
AFS_KAM_CrUserS PECode AFSName HostID name instanceKAM_CreateUser - Create a user.
AFS_KAM_DelUserS PECode AFSName HostID name instanceKAM_DeleteUser - Delete a user.
AFS_KAM_SetPswdSECode AFSName HostID name instanceKAM_SetPassword - Set the password for a user.
AFS_KAM_GetPswdSECode AFSName HostID nameKAM_GetPassword - Get the password of a user.
AFS_KAM_GetEntSECode AFSName HostID name instanceKAM_GetEntry - The RPC made by the kas examine command to get one entry from the Authentication Database (by index entry).
AFS_KAM_LstEntSECode AFSName HostID indexKAM_ListEntry - The RPC made to list one or more entries in the Authentication Database.
AFS_KAM_DbgSECode AFSName HostIDKAM_Debug - The RPC that produces a debugging trace for the Authentication Server.
AFS_KAM_SetFldS PECode AFSName HostID name instance flags date lifetime maxAssocKAM_SetFields - The RPC used by the kas setfields command to manipulate the Authentication Database.
AFS_KAM_GetStatSECode AFSName HostIDKAM_GetStatus - An RPC used to get statistics on the Authentication Server.
AFS_KAM_GRnKeySECode AFSName HostIDKAM_GetRandomKey - An RPC used to generate a random encryption key.
AFS_UnlockUserSECode AFSName HostID name instanceKAM_Unlock - The RPC used to initiate the kas unlock command.
AFS_LockStatusNoneECode AFSName HostID name instanceKAM_LockStatus - The RPC used to determine whether a user's Authentication Database entry is locked.
AFS_UseOfPrivPECode AFSName HostID name instance cellAn authorized command was issued and allowed because the user had privilege.
AFS_UnAthSECode AFSName HostID name instance cellAn authorized command was issued and allowed because the system was running in noauth mode.
AFS_UDPAuthA SECode name instanceAn authentication attempt was made with a Kerberos client.
AFS_UDPGetTcktA SECode name instance cell name instanceAn attempt was made to get a Kerberos ticket.
AFS_RunNoAuthSECodeCheck was made and some random server is running noauth.
AFS_NoAuthDsblS PECodeServer is set to run in authenticated mode.
AFS_NoAuthEnblS PECodeServer is set to run in unauthenticated mode.